Everything seem pass very fast.. time, money and etc...my notebook still cannot work well..finally i can online now but it load very slow and i still cannot logn in to my msn and others communication software..i should feel happy with it cause it seem like got improvement..i wish tomorrow can online and can also logn in to my msn...
i went to my first class today..which is MYOB..actually i am quite scare of this subject cause it is a computer based modules and all the works are depend on the assessment..and i am just a super idiot for IT..even it is easy i will just scare..but i cannot fail either one subjects cause it is my final semester..i don wanna stay in melbourne for another half more years.it is just like wasting my time and wasting mummy money...i don wan this to be happen..
Start from 1st of march, yenny and me going to diet for few months..but actually i start since i am back melbourne cause maybe i ate to many stuff this few weeks..i cannot afford to extra food now...i wish i can diet successful and become a leng lui...i hate to be fat..cause i used to be fat and how those guy look me down..from the day onward i told myself i will never let it happen anymore...but i seem like forgot this since i slim down..cause i start to eat until like mad woman....haha but don worry i am going to diet back d...
there will be another class for accouting subject tomorrow...i have to attent and after the class i think i have to go buy my text books for this semester...It is actually 2am d..i just don feel like sleeping but i got nothing to do here...
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
first day back to melbourne
No matter how unwillingly...i still have to go back to melbourne to continue my rest of the subjects..
This is the first day i reach melbourne and a lot of stuff to do...my house is just like a dog house...haha maybe too long didn stay there and i didn clean my house clean enough..
Bu i don think this is the worse part..even though i hate to clean my house..the worse thing i face today is my pc cannot use the internet...the reason is my pc is too new ...which is using window wista now..the internet company still cannot support the software...
My housemate laugh at me summore said that i am too rich bought a new laptop but cannot support the internet...make me feel so angry but what to do i cannot scold him back cause it is true...my laptop really cannot support that...but he is good also, which is he is trying to help me how to make it possible to online and call the service center to find a way..
This is one reason why i hate IT so much...cause i can never deal with it and i just don know howto solve the problem...And those pc just seem like like to bully me as well..always spoil or got problem after i have touch them...those who know me well always name me a virus for pc, and they don even wannalet me touch their pc...
This is the first day i reach melbourne and a lot of stuff to do...my house is just like a dog house...haha maybe too long didn stay there and i didn clean my house clean enough..
Bu i don think this is the worse part..even though i hate to clean my house..the worse thing i face today is my pc cannot use the internet...the reason is my pc is too new ...which is using window wista now..the internet company still cannot support the software...
My housemate laugh at me summore said that i am too rich bought a new laptop but cannot support the internet...make me feel so angry but what to do i cannot scold him back cause it is true...my laptop really cannot support that...but he is good also, which is he is trying to help me how to make it possible to online and call the service center to find a way..
This is one reason why i hate IT so much...cause i can never deal with it and i just don know howto solve the problem...And those pc just seem like like to bully me as well..always spoil or got problem after i have touch them...those who know me well always name me a virus for pc, and they don even wannalet me touch their pc...
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
昨晚到熟悉的自助餐用餐 看著前面一對情侶一起點菜 不禁過去美好的畫面浮現在腦海裡
兩個人點著一盤菜,一起享受著 我在她們的身後坐下 後來在裝飲料的時候
那對情侶也來裝了 女生很細心的裝了兩杯冷飲 而男生卻裝了碗熱湯 在用餐的時候
男生沒有問過或著幫著女生裝碗湯 不禁讓我想到過去我和她 也是這樣的用餐畫面
裝完了自己的湯 卻很少問過對方是否需要 直到一次的爭吵之中
她對我說了 你吃飯的時候從來都沒有問過或是幫我裝過湯 我本來想趨身向前以自身經歷告訴男生 又怕他誤會而作罷
人好像都是這樣的 當彼此深愛的時候 往往會忽略該有的尊重與體貼
而另一方也因為愛而一直包容著 直到當包容變成習慣最後變成折磨 感情和耐心就在這樣的消耗中消失殆盡直到結束 留下的只剩下淚水與痛苦
她說:難道那些體貼與用心的人 都是別人交代事情給他作,他去做了 別人才說它很體貼或是很用心嗎?
在爭吵之後 我一直在想著到底什麼樣才叫做體貼或是細心
後來我有了答案 那就是 所謂的體貼與細心 是應該妳告訴過對方妳的感受與需求 對方以後會記住並主動為你去做 那樣才叫做細心或體貼
所以別急著怪對方不夠細心或體貼 很多時候 對方不是不願意去做 只是他不知該如何去做吧
所以別吝嗇的向對方說出你的感受或需要 剩下的就看他表現來打分數吧 因此 吃飯的時候
幫對方裝碗湯或是飲料吧 我到現在才知道 其實我可以不必唸到博士 我也不必賺到大錢 因為當你連裝碗湯都不會時 她又能期盼你能為他作什麼呢
男女之間的愛,也正如其他愛一般,是在"靈'的偉大方面的關係. 是一種慷慨的施與,是一種慷慨接受的愛. 愛要滋潤,並不佔有; 在愛中,我們互相尊重對方,但並不凌駕人. 愛並不是要獲勝或失敗,只要助人,也受人助. 以美好的心,欣賞週遭的事物
以真誠的心,對待每一個人 以負責的心,做好份內的事 以謙虛的心,檢討自己的錯誤 以愉悅的心,分享他人的快樂 以喜捨的心,幫助要幫助的人 所以....好好過每一天
昨晚到熟悉的自助餐用餐 看著前面一對情侶一起點菜 不禁過去美好的畫面浮現在腦海裡
兩個人點著一盤菜,一起享受著 我在她們的身後坐下 後來在裝飲料的時候
那對情侶也來裝了 女生很細心的裝了兩杯冷飲 而男生卻裝了碗熱湯 在用餐的時候
男生沒有問過或著幫著女生裝碗湯 不禁讓我想到過去我和她 也是這樣的用餐畫面
裝完了自己的湯 卻很少問過對方是否需要 直到一次的爭吵之中
她對我說了 你吃飯的時候從來都沒有問過或是幫我裝過湯 我本來想趨身向前以自身經歷告訴男生 又怕他誤會而作罷
人好像都是這樣的 當彼此深愛的時候 往往會忽略該有的尊重與體貼
而另一方也因為愛而一直包容著 直到當包容變成習慣最後變成折磨 感情和耐心就在這樣的消耗中消失殆盡直到結束 留下的只剩下淚水與痛苦
她說:難道那些體貼與用心的人 都是別人交代事情給他作,他去做了 別人才說它很體貼或是很用心嗎?
在爭吵之後 我一直在想著到底什麼樣才叫做體貼或是細心
後來我有了答案 那就是 所謂的體貼與細心 是應該妳告訴過對方妳的感受與需求 對方以後會記住並主動為你去做 那樣才叫做細心或體貼
所以別急著怪對方不夠細心或體貼 很多時候 對方不是不願意去做 只是他不知該如何去做吧
所以別吝嗇的向對方說出你的感受或需要 剩下的就看他表現來打分數吧 因此 吃飯的時候
幫對方裝碗湯或是飲料吧 我到現在才知道 其實我可以不必唸到博士 我也不必賺到大錢 因為當你連裝碗湯都不會時 她又能期盼你能為他作什麼呢
男女之間的愛,也正如其他愛一般,是在"靈'的偉大方面的關係. 是一種慷慨的施與,是一種慷慨接受的愛. 愛要滋潤,並不佔有; 在愛中,我們互相尊重對方,但並不凌駕人. 愛並不是要獲勝或失敗,只要助人,也受人助. 以美好的心,欣賞週遭的事物
以真誠的心,對待每一個人 以負責的心,做好份內的事 以謙虛的心,檢討自己的錯誤 以愉悅的心,分享他人的快樂 以喜捨的心,幫助要幫助的人 所以....好好過每一天
back from hk and china trip...
Finally i am back from my travel..feel so tired and really need rest i guess..
i love the feeling stay in hk but not in china, maybe those who read this will feel bad..but the reason i don like to be in china is because of some others reason and not because of the country..
someone give a wrong direction and cause me and yenny go a hardest way to kuang chou instead of a simple way..this is the first sign cause me hate to be in china..
after this happen..stay with someone do not have any consideration..and need ppl to take care of her and once we don she will say we don know how to take care of a friend,..
i hate this feeling but i just don wanna get angry cause i know i am in holiday...but why does she keep on test my temper?
i love the feeling stay in hk but not in china, maybe those who read this will feel bad..but the reason i don like to be in china is because of some others reason and not because of the country..
someone give a wrong direction and cause me and yenny go a hardest way to kuang chou instead of a simple way..this is the first sign cause me hate to be in china..
after this happen..stay with someone do not have any consideration..and need ppl to take care of her and once we don she will say we don know how to take care of a friend,..
i hate this feeling but i just don wanna get angry cause i know i am in holiday...but why does she keep on test my temper?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
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