Wednesday, January 10, 2007


故事的開始,少女迷途了,便跟著那偶爾飛過的小鳥走,以為會走向未來,小鳥曾說過:You jump,I jump。是多麼情深。一直走下去,少女漸漸依賴了小鳥,可惜,小鳥總是亂飛,偶然的停留,帶給小女無盡歡樂,但是,突然的改變方向,卻苦了少女。少女說:我迷失在自己的世界裡。是多麼迷茫。可能,太迷茫了,少女開始嘗試擺脫小鳥,可惜,這時候,小鳥又不停出現在少女面前,到最後,少女還是逃不掉。少女說:我還是著緊他的想法。是多麼軟弱。自始,少女好像看淡了,一直緊緊跟在小鳥身後,直至一天,少女突然走出了森林,更見到森林外的家人,而小鳥,也淡淡地重新飛回森林,少女想重投森林追逐小鳥,可惜少女的家人阻止了。少女說:原來,我不曾擁有。是多麼悲痛。小鳥說:故事,完了。是多麼無情。
i guess a lot of ppl will not really understand what the story trying to tell..but i guess after you have read few times you will know..
from what i get from the above story is just trying to say a girl with guy that have a same attitute like bird...tell the girl that he like her, will love her all the time...when they are together the guy start to control the girl and even will blame the girl and scold her for whatever she did...finally she give up and listen to what the guy want him to do...
after a while, girl's family disagree their relationship and the guy just do nothing...,aybe the guy don really love the girl or because of any others reason but i guess this is what most of the love story end up...

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